Monday, June 14, 2010


Ok so I wanted to upload images. But the connection must be too slow or something. I would have just uploaded Eva's pictures, and she's put some on her blog. SO... here's Eva's blogsite:


1 comment:

  1. Hi Erika, Debbie M. here. I love your blog. You are doing such interesting work! Don't accept any of the marriage proposals. I saw Katie Miller last week. She was in town and came over for our first worship service under the tent. She had a wonderful time on her trip around the world with her brother. She will be leaving for the Peace Corp in the middle of August. She is going to Kajikistan? (One of the Stans that begins with a K.) Bible School is next week. Your mom will be helping in the kitchen two of the days. She is going to see if she can get Karl to come. We loved him last year, so if it works out it will be great.We have a camel coming on the last day. Budge wanted to know if kids would be riding it. I said no, just a "meet and greet!" (I think he was worried about liability.) My very best to you. Keep up the good work! Debbie
    (P.S. Our book group is reading Cutting for Stone this next year. I saw it mentioned on Eva's blog. Since her good recommendation I can hardly wait.)
